Trendy Adventurer 15,000RMB Cash Challenge

2021.11.6 - 2021.11.7
Saturday & Sunday
What is the challenge?
10 individuals of non-Chinese background will be recruited to participate in this 2-Day,1-Night ‘Outside Perspective’ Travel Test Challenge. From across China, participants will arrive in Linping, Hangzhou. From the moment of arrival, the challenge begins:
Following the set itinerary destination-by-destination, experience Linping - host-to-be of the 2022 Asia Games. Using SNS and personal media, share YOUR experience from YOUR unique perspective, making maximum engagement your goal. Finally, give your opinion and suggestions on what could be done to make Linping an even better 2022 Asian Games Destination.
Get selected and get what?
As an absolute minimum, all participants are guaranteed one all-expenses covered trip to Hangzhou, which includes your return plane/train tickets, all transport costs, food, hotel accommodation, and admission tickets, etc. for the duration of the challenge.
For the lucky First Prize winner, receive a cash reward of 15,000 RMB!
Exposure for your personal media channels and/or online brand.
Meet and connect with like minds - China’s top foreign travel-loving influencers.
If selected, what's my ‘TO-DO’?
1. Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Overseas TikTok On any ONE of the Social Media listed, conduct one live stream session from the Linping Asian Games Stadium. Live stream to be of minimum 45minutes length. Following the livestreaming session, submit the screenshot(s) of the livestream’s analytics data.
2. During the period Nov 5th (Challenge Start) to Nov 10th, 11:59 pm (Deadline): Select any TWO(2) of your own accounts on any of the above-listed Social Media platforms. Within each account, make FOUR(4) text+image/video posts that feature any or all of the following itinerary destinations: Linping Asian Games Stadium, Tangqi Water Town, Linping Mountain Sports and Leisure Park, Yishang Fashion Town.
Post requirements:
Each post is required to include at least 6 images.
Video content must be greater than 30 seconds in length.
All visual content must be appropriately post-edited for pleasing visual effect.
The participant must make a clear appearance somewhere within each post’s content.
Each post must have the following hashtags attached: #TrendyAdventurer #Linping #HangzhouAsianGames2022
3. Before Nov 14th, 11:59 pm (Deadline), submit a 300-500 word Recommendations Report on your impression of and recommendations for improvement and internationalization of the 2022 destinations visited during the challenge.
The Itinerary
Who will the winner be?
Participants will be scored on two dimensions: 1) Social Media Engagement Data and 2) Recommendations Report. The individual with the highest score wins. The winner will be announced on Nov 22nd on the Trendy Adventurer Official Account. Details on how we evaluate each scoring dimension are as follows:
Social Media Engagement (max. 50 Points)
Upon the deadline of 11:59 pm, Nov 17th, Trendy Adventurer will gather the views and impressions data of participant social media posts (including the travel livestream session).
The participant with the highest cumulative views+impressions will be awarded 50 points; second highest - 40 points; third highest - 30 points.
Recommendations Report (max. 50 Points)
At 4:00 pm on Nov 15th, Trendy Adventurer will share the 10 Recommendations Reports written by participants to the participants' WeChat group. All participants will carefully review the other 9 participants’ reports and submit a vote for the report that he/she judges to be the best. Participants may not vote for their own Report. The deadline for vote submission is 11:59 pm, Nov 17th.
The participant with the highest total votes will be awarded 50 points; second highest - 45 points; third highest - 40 points.
Are you interested?
Here‘s information on joining in for interested persons:
No. of Recruits: 10 People (non-Chinese)
Sign-up Cutoff: Oct 28th, 11:59 pm
Eligible Social Media Platforms: Youtube,Twitter,Facebook,Instagram, Overseas TikTok
Complete sign-up before the specified cutoff deadline, stating the total number of followers on your social media accounts. If for any of the above platforms you do not have an account registered or have a follower number of 0, please write “0” in the corresponding inputs of the sign-up form.
The 10 individuals with the highest number of total followers will be invited to join the Trendy Adventurer 15,000 RMB Cash Challenge.
After verifying the sign-up information supplied by each applicant, selection results will be published on Trendy Adventurer’s WeChat Official Account on November 3. A list of applicants ranked by the total number of followers will also be published.